If you’re new to North Campus, or just want to check out some possible options for parking around the Leinweber Building, here are answers to some frequently asked questions. Remember: Because parking is always an issue in and around the campus, details and availability may change without notice.

What resources are available right now? 

What daily parking strategies are there?

Gold, Blue, and Orange permit lots are in the general area. The closest Blue lots are NC27 (which also includes Gold spaces) and NC48. Yellow lots are a bit further out.

The Orange permit is likely to be the most cost-effective option for most:

We have been told that there may be increased parking options on North Campus in the near future.  If implemented, any increases may not be permanent, but it’s a start.

What is available to students?

Jr./Sr./Grad students have access to some parking tags.

What is the current/expected availability of parking in North Campus lots?

Parking on North Campus is challenging. This is a known issue.

NC46 and NC53 are very popular and may be full by 9:30-10 a.m.

Some new lots may be made available for an uncertain duration.

What options exist for people whose work regularly requires being on both campuses?

What do we need to know for mastering bus transportation to North Campus and between campuses?

What are the commuting and parking options for bikes and scooters?

There will be about 22 new bike parking spots (in the space between Leinweber and the Beyster Building).

Current map of bike parking on North Campus

Bikes are not to be brought inside Leinweber.

What about visitor parking?

There is limited visitor parking in NC48 and in NC27. Payment is made by the Passport Mobile Payment System (required for all visitor parking on all U-M campuses). The system allows users to pay for parking from any internet-capable device. To use the system, download the app, complete the verification security process and enter your payment method. Enter the parking ZONE number (8636 = U-M), space number and duration of stay. Find the app at the iPhone App Store, Google Play, the Passport website, or dial (734) 274-6183.